Archive for April 2017
CR-Oxy+, strongest and most stable of all the liquid electrolytes of oxygen available today
CR-Oxy+ Are you looking for the highest quality, strongest and most stable of all the liquid electrolytes of oxygen available today? CR-Oxy+ is a liquid concentrate of electrolytes of oxygen. These oxygen electrolytes are available to the body in a molecular form. Electrolytes of oxygen are released when the CR-Oxy+ comes in contact with stomach acids.…
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You Voiced Your Opinion on Our New-Logo contest! The Results Are —-Drum Roll—- The Water-Drop design!
Read MoreSenate Document Links Healthy Bodies to Healthy Soils
Senate Document #264 Document #264 Presented by Rex Beach, June 1936 United States GPO Washington, D.C., 1936 INTRODUCTION “Concerning Dr. Charles Northen: “This quiet, unballyhooed pioneer and genius in the field of nutrition demonstrates that countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with…
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